A Lush Garden-Style Floral Bouquet from the Farm


A beautifully arranged garden style bouquet of flowers from Wimbee Creek Farm’s Flower Barn is a lovely way to send flowers to someone you care about. Our flowers are chosen for their peak of beauty, artfully arranged in a vase with lovely textural garden greenery according to your intention and occasion, Simply order and specify your details in the notes section of your order, including any sentiment you would like us to include in an accompanying note. Feel free to call us to discuss the occasion and your desired design.

This lovely arrangement from Wimbee Creek Farm sends a special message. Custom arranged in a tall vase with all of the love we can gather from our field, we will create and deliver a bouquet type floral arrangement that your recipient will absolutely love and enjoy.

*Gratefully serving all of Beaufort County, with a minor delivery upcharge for locations that are a greater distance from the farm.

25 in stock



A beautifully arranged garden style bouquet of flowers from Wimbee Creek Farm’s Flower Barn is a lovely way to send flowers to someone you care about. Our flowers are chosen for their peak of beauty, artfully arranged in a vase with lovely textural garden greenery according to your intention and occasion, Simply order and specify your details in the notes section of your order, including any sentiment you would like us to include in an accompanying note. Feel free to call us to discuss the occasion and your desired design.

This lovely arrangement from Wimbee Creek Farm sends a special message. Custom arranged in a tall vase with all of the love we can gather from our field, we will create and deliver a bouquet type floral arrangement that your recipient will absolutely love and enjoy.

*Gratefully serving all of Beaufort County, with a minor delivery upcharge for locations that are a greater distance from the farm.