Fresh Flower Compote Arrangement from the Farm


Send the beauty and fragrance from the flower barn, nestled i our handpicked greenery and arranged for you fresh from our farm. Our garden compote style arrangement is a lovely collection of our fresh cut blooms and garden greenery, in our low compote vase, for a special thank you or recognition for your special recipient. Suitable as a table centerpiece or upright for a bouquet by request.

*Gratefully serving all of Beaufort County, with a minor delivery upcharge for locations that are a greater distance from the farm.

**Please include any specific requests regarding color, etc., and delivery card details in the “Notes” section of the checkout page.

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Send the beauty and fragrance from a field of flowers, hand picked and arranged for you fresh from our farm. Our garden compote style arrangement is a lovely collection of our fresh cut blooms and garden greenery, in our low compote vase, for a special thank you or recognition for your special recipient.

**Gratefully serving all of Beaufort County, with a minor delivery upcharge for locations that are a greater distance from the farm.

Additional information


Beaufort, Lady's Island, Seabrook, Sheldon, St. Helena Island, Bluffton Area, Hilton Head Island